PTA/SLT Elections 2020-2021

PTA/ SLT Elections

Date: November 12, 2020

Time: 5:30 pm

Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 810 3618 3554
Passcode: 638450

Dial by your location   +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)       

Verification Codes will be sent in a separate email to all parents.

Available positions:  President, Treasurer and Secretary

Immediately Following P.T.A. elections we will be holding SLT elections.

Please make sure you have your verification code with you during the meeting. Once you enter zoom we will ask you to change your name to your verification code. If you have not receive your code, please email or call Ms. Katie Bennett 718-933-5976 or [email protected].


Elecciones de PTA /SLT

Fecha: Novembre 12, 2020

Hora: 5:30 pm

Enlacede Zoom:

Meeting ID: 810 3618 3554
Passcode: 638450

Dial by your location   +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

Los codigos se enviaran por correo electronico

Posiciones disponibles:  Presidente, Tesorero y (a) Secretaria (o)

Inmediatamente despues de las elecciones del PTA seran las elecciones del SLT

Por favor asegurese de tener su codigo con usted durante la reunion. Una vez que ingrese zoom le pediremos que cambie su nombre a su codigo.  Si no ha recibido  su codigo, llame o envie un correo electronico a la- Sra. Katie Bennett  718-933-5976 or [email protected].